Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Is netflix killing the internet?

As more and more people and devices have begun taking advantage of Neflix's streaming media capabilities, a very important problem has arisen. Who will pay for the bandwidth. Streaming terabytes and terabytes of media constantly, requires quite a bit of bandwidth. Recently a company called Level 3 which is a streaming-content provider signed a contract to become the exclusive provider for Netflix's online content. Shortly after this contract was signed, Comcast (the largest cable internet provider in the nation) demanded that Level 3 pay more money for the use of their network. While normally I wouldn't care that much that two corporate tech giants are arguing over money, this is somewhat concerning to me. The issue is that someone is going to have to pay for the bandwidth, and I don't want it to be me. I use Netflix regularly, and at the end of the day, it's very likely that consumers will be the ones to pay. Where this turns into an internet wide issue, is if Level 3 doesn't pay Comcast, Comcast is threatening to block Netflix content to its users. If this were to go through, it could possibly mark the end of the "free internet" as we know it.

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